What I do
In my current project, I develop stochastic models to bridge theoretical and empirical studies at different phylogenetic scales. In my spare time, I try to bring data to life. Below is an overview of my skill sets, you can find out more in my blogs and projects.
Package development, data analysis, visualization, modeling, simulation.
C, C++
Software development, integration with R/Python, modeling, simulation.
Machine learning with PyTorch, PyTorch Geometric, Sklearn, Tensorflow.
Web development, interactive data visualization with D3.js.
Bash, Server, HPC
Server-side software maintenance, HPC management.
Typesetting, rendering and visualization with LaTex, TikZ and PGFPlots.
GIS, Bioinformatics
Geospatial analysis, phylogeny reconstruction, metagenomics
Big Data Tools
Learning to use SQL, browser automation with Selenium, BeautifulSoup and Puppeteer.
Latest Blog Posts
Sub-Species Level Diversification and Tree Coarsening
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient...
Integrating Pre-Trained PyTorch Models into Your R Package
Pre-trained neural network models can significantly enhance your R projects. This tutorial will walk you through the process taking my R package EvoNN as an example...
A Protocol to Bridge Phylogeny and GCN
Phylogenies are essentially graphs. Therefore, we can utilize a specific class of neural networks-the graph convolutional networks-to extract valuable information. But how? ...